求电影<美国从自由到法西斯(America from Freedom to Fascism)>的英文剧本或字幕

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:51:05
求电影<美国从自由到法西斯>(America from Freedom to Fascism) 的英文剧本或字幕, 一定要英文的!!!

本片的通用译名为<美国自由法西斯主义>, 不过我觉得<美国从自由到法西斯>更加准确

[from trailer]
Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Asst. Secretary of Housing): The government works for a private bank, and the private bank works for its owners, the true masters.
[from trailer]
Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author): The Federal Reserve is no more 'federal' than Federal Express. I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed -- I don't think anybody has.
[from trailer]
Franklin Sanders (Author/Tax Honesty): Why did we give a monopoly, of creating money out of thin air, to a private corporation?
[from trailer]
Peter Gibbons (Tax Attorney): There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union. Period, end of argument.
[from trailer]
Irwin Schiff (Author): Nobody can know what the law is, because the law is what the judges *say* the law is.
[from trailer]
Aaron Russo: I think it should be clarified, I think government sho